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2020 Fountain 38 CC powered by triple Mercury 400M's with minimal usage. Located in South Florida easy to see anytime. Basically a new boat with 5 year warranty started in May 2020 Approx 25 hours on boat Optional Equipment: Electric Reel Outlets (2) - Helm Seating, Rear Facing Seat - Outriggers 18' - Port Light in center Console - Seat on top of live well ELECTRONICS Engine Monitoring System ...
Nov 03, 2017 · MULTI CHRUSHER Untuk Menghancurkan Tongkol Jagung, Ampas tahu, Kulit kacang dll Spesifikasi : Merek : UKABE Tipe : MC 800 UKB Kapasitas : 600 - 800 kg/jam Dimensi : 1.100 x 800 x 1.250 mm Jumlah ...
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Lavoisier was a protected cruiser of the French Navy built in the 1890s, the third and final member of the Linois class.Ordered as part of a large construction program aimed at countering the fleets of France's rivals, the Linois class was intended for use with France's fleets in home waters and in the French colonial empire. Lavoisier was armed with a main battery of four 138.6 mm (5.5 in ...
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