The experimental design was completely ramdomized with 3 environments x 3 moments x 11 treatments x 6 replications. The results show that aclonifen, diflufenican and linuron were both selective and efficient. Metribuzin, clopyralid and flazasulfuron caused very serious injuries in the crop.
Novo Design Group LLC innovative • concepts • manufacturing • solutions Take your ideas to the next level when we help you with the latest manufacturing techniques. By combining the newest design and manufacturing techniques we bring cost down and quality up. ...
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Brasil no Processo de Alfandegamento do novo Terminal Marítimo de Passageiros do Porto de Fortaleza. FUNDAMENTO: No Processo nº20140112, na Resolução da Direxe nº 100/2014, datada de 01.04.2014 e na Lei nº 8.666/93. VALOR: R$ 2.136.000,00. PRAZO DE EXE-CUÇÃO: 50 dias corridos, contados da emissão da O.S. DATA DE ASSINATURA: 16.04.2014.
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