The information to which this gatepost gives access includes statements that are, or may be deemed to be, forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on SBM Offshore N.V.'s beliefs and projections and on information currently available to SBM Offshore N.V..
Welcome to the website of the Institute for Information Technology and Communications. Topics related to communication and information technology are of high relevance is academic and industrial research.
Administer your OVGU-account? Here you have the possibility to see which personal data are stored in the IdM system of the OVGU and you can enter your private email address or identity card number. ⇒ To OVGU-account administration ⇐ Manage print account Here you can manage your print account. (Access only from the OVGU network).
Email communication with the Examination Office requires the use of OvGU Student Email Address and indication of the matriculation number!! Exam Inspection . Vacation Times. 03.08.2020. 10.-28.08.2020
The Research Group "Digital Transformation and Digital Humanities" works on different research areas of the Digital Transformation (DT)starting from the digitization process ("real digital information"), through digitalization processes (in industries and organizations using mapping functionalities between different resources, providing interfaces, user interfaces, tools, repositories and ...
CONTACT. Otto von Guericke University Faculty of Computer Science Institute for Intelligent Cooperating Systems Postbox 4120 39106 Magdeburg. Tel.: +49 391 67 54986 Fax: +49 391 67 12018 Imprint
11.07.2019 - From July 9th to 11th, the 20th Power and Energy Student Summit (PESS) took place in the Lukasklause (Magdeburg). More than 50 participants took part in …
For further enquiries, kindly submit your question via the contactformpage or send us an email to [email protected] . Contact. Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg . Faculty of Natural Sciences . Institute of Physics (IFP) - Departement Soft Matter …
The Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (German: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, short OvGU) was founded in 1993 and is one of the youngest universities in Germany.The university in Magdeburg has about 14,000 students in nine faculties. There are 11,700 papers published in international journals from this institute. It is named after the physicist (and mayor of Magdeburg) Otto …
The Faculty of Humanities (FHW) was founded in 1993, but its origins date back to 1953. At over 3500, in terms of student numbers, it is one of the largest faculties at OVGU. The educational, research and training profile of the FHW follows the guiding principles of Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU).
CONTACT. Otto von Guericke University Faculty of Computer Science Institute for Intelligent Cooperating Systems Postbox 4120 39106 Magdeburg. Tel.: +49 391 67 54986 Fax: +49 391 67 12018 Imprint
Since the beginning of January 2020, we have expanded our service offering by a fund for supporting open access monographs. Using this service, scientists of the OvGU can fund the publication of open access monographs and anthologies according to certain terms. Contact person: Ian Wolff: [email protected], +49 391-67 58561
"The 2019 research year was an extremely successful year for the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) of Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU)," says Dean of Research Prof. Sadrieh, summing up the latest, recently published edition of the FEM's research report, a performance review of the research activities of the past year.
The Graduate Academy is the central service unit for all doctoral students and postdocs at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg. We are providing useful programmes and support in all matters beyond the regular course of study. By expanding and linking the various services at OVGU, we will help insure the best conditions for the successful completion of your doctorate in Magdeburg.
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg. Springen Sie direkt: Zum Textanfang (Navigation überspringen), Zur Hauptnavigation, Zur Themennavigation, Zur den Direktlinks, Zur Fußnavigation, Zur Hilfsnavigation, Zur Krümelnavigation, Zur Suche, Zur Sprachauswahl
To this end, the MPA is now provided as a central remote server solution by the de.NBI network that can be freely accessed and used by researchers worldwide, resembling a major step towards completely cloud based data analysis solutions. Get access to the remote server version by sending us an email: [email protected]. Learn how to use the MPA
The Chair teaches courses in International Technology, Innovation and Marketing Management, International Corporate Development and Leadership and is open for Master Theses. Head of the chair is Professor Dr. David Bendig.
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